Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Guard Your Valuables from a Disaster

God bless those devasted by Hurricane Katrina. Disasters, man or God-made, are something we should all prepare to face. We've sadly seen that our government is ill equipped to protect us. News teams report our miseries, as they fly over our heads, never pausing to toss a bottle of water. It all boils down to what your Grandfather told you, no one will take care of you, except you.

Insurance is not enough. Insurance will help you replace things like your home or your car, but you alone must safeguard records and personal belongings that are crucial to regaining your life. To avoid losses that are irreplaceable, please put the following plan in place for your family. Today.

  1. Store key documents in a bank safety deposit box. These items require the most secure care. They are also the things that you can do without for up to two weeks. Wills, deeds, appraisals, securities, a list of passwords, PIN numbers and access codes. Spare house and car keys. Trusts, health care directives, powers of attorney, passports. Birth, marriage and death certificates. Inventory of house contents. Photograph negatives or backups.
  2. Have ready boxes (plastic w/ tight fitting lids) for things that need to be moved in a moments notice. Jewerly, original items that can not be copied, your babies bronzed cowboy boots and baby book. Digital Backups of all your important documents and contact information. Sets of keys and combinations to everything you own. Insurance policies. Contact names, addresses and phone numbers. Copies of your drug prescription. Love letters from your spouse or your kid's report cards. Sentimental holiday decor.
  3. Make an inventory of your possessions. Walk room to room. List, photograph or video tape your things. Don't forget your garage, attic or basement. Record, makes, models, serial numbers, dates of purchase. This information will be necessary in dealing with your insurnace company. Take this box to your sisters house or place it in your safety deposit box. Update your inventory once a year.
  4. Make good use of all the technology that can help you when you most need it. Use a scanner to make digital copies of all key documents. Even old photo's can be duplicated this way. Copy your valuable information to disc, CD, DVD, memory stick or flash drives. Store one copy at the bank, give one to your sister for safe keeping.

Protect your valuables from fire, robbery, natural and man-made disasters. Keep them in a place you can load them in your car in just five minutes. You can't stop a calamity, but you can stop a lot of the suffering.


Blogger Pozos said...

Thanks for the feedback, Joel. We will check out your site and thanks for offering the link.

11:14 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

2019.09.10 酒店經紀:梁曉尊—專業分析酒店工作環境內容
領檯有分: 制服店領檯 和便服店領檯(都是不脫不秀的)
當然薪水上有很大的差異 有坐檯的薪水一定會比較高
再來就是手挽要好 有機會上到檯就必須讓客人留住你。
領檯不需要玩 因為會點領檯的客人也知道領檯只有單純陪酒,上的好一個月領比公關多也不是問題 平均大概十幾萬!!領台一節大約130~140(10分鐘為一節)。便服店的領台因只需帶位 月薪約在3~4萬左右 工作單純但是職缺不多!!要靠關係才能進去!!(如皇親國戚在當總經理等等)
1: 禮服店不需要與制服店公關同檯
2: 禮服店所有小姐都一樣一視同人,自我打扮/服裝自由搭配,好與不好各憑本事
3: 禮服店 (不用脫衣/不用秀舞)
4: 禮服店薪資1節10分鐘170元~190元 大幅調漲 因應市場機制
1.這行就是外表的行業 時常調整自己到最佳狀況 才是面對競爭的不二法門 不怕被其他人比下去^^
2.其實消費者來這 並非要敢玩的女生坐在旁 有時因為要應酬客戶所以來這 他們要的重點是包廂氣氛 熱絡開心最重要,也很多消費者只要酒店小姐在旁倒酒聊心事
3.至於收入多少 當然有基本的先天條件 如:女人外在條件的比例/談吐/氣質/身材 等等
4依照我們的多年經驗 還是取決自己的態度和決心,畢竟這是人的生意 是必須經營的
5.來這行的消費者主力 多為28~45歲左右 因此他們看女人的角度是不同的 因此打扮還是多少花時間去調整喔

11:02 AM  

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