Thursday, May 11, 2006

Immigrants, Hispanics and Home Ownership For All

Mi Casa Su Casa. Immigrants, along with Americans born between 1977 and 1994, will continue to drive the real estate market for the next 10 to 15 years, say experts.

Going forward, the hispanic market is one that can not be ignored. Hispanic consumers represent $500 Billion in real estate purchasing power. Moreover, the Bush administration's pro-growth policies will continue to enable more minority families to realize the American Dream.

Homeownership rates for hispanic consumers have risen over the past 10 years to 50%, versus 75% for whites, and 68% for our countries overall rate.

Although many Hispanic Americans still face significant barriers, the good news is the walls are coming down. There are great opportunities for Hispanics and other minorities in the real estate market. Homeownership is not only part of the American Dream, it is the means by which most of us achieve financial security for ourselves and our families. Homeownership contributes to the stability of our neighborhoods, community development, better health and education opportunites, and a gateway to American citizenship.

Hispanics and legal imigrants want and need the American Dream, and they deserve it. The real estate industry, federal, state and local governments should be applauded in their efforts to destroy the barriers that prevent everyone in this country from owning their own home.


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