Monday, January 16, 2006

How You can Rid Yourself of Private Mortgage Insurance

Q. We purchased our home for $210,000 with a 5% down payment. Our lender required Private Mortgage Insurance on our loan because we did not have a 20% equity position. Now the value of our home is $300,000 and we only owe $207,000, can we get rid of the monthly PMI charge? We could save about $1200 per year. Please help.

Answer: First, congratulations on your real estate investment. Yes, it sounds as if you can get rid of the PMI and save $1200 a year. But, as I am sure you expected, there are a few hoops to jump through. Given the money you will save, I would encourage you to contact your lender as soon as possible, and find out specifics about your loan. Thank you for your question.

General Outline for Erasing PMI: The Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 requires lenders to automatically cancel coverage, if you ask for it and if the following criteria is met:

1. One provision is that your loan balance is paid down to 78% - 80% of the value of your home.

2. Your loan must be at least 2 years old. If not, it doesn't matter how much equity you have. The exception is if you made a signficant improvement to the property (adding on; finishing out a basement, etc.), you may be exempt from the 2 year ban.

3. Your payments must be current.

4. Make sure you have enough equity. You can spend $25 for an automated valuation that will give you a ballpark price range for your property. If it looks like you have 20-22% equity, call your lender and proceed with the full appraisal. Caution: Do not order an appraisal yourself ($300-$350). Your lender will require that they place the order on your behalf.

5. Even though the lender must cancel the PMI if you meet the criteria, "surprisingly", you will have to be the one to initiate the request to cancel.

6. For more information, check out The site outlines the most hassel-free way to get the ball rolling. It also includes some sample letters that you can use to get the cancelation process in motion.

Please address any questions or comments about your home to


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3:35 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...


12:27 PM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

2019.12.30台北八大行業知名酒店經紀獨家分析:每當看到酒店工作酒店小姐被「框」出場性侵的新聞,就覺得很無奈,一方面是為了有酒店上班姊妹遇到這樣的事情很難過,一方面是被新聞誇張不實報導,引起社會的恐慌甚至各大留言板的對話更讓人翻白眼。某些人,對大學生/上班族酒店上班的新人對於「框」有很大的誤解。八大行業資深經紀人專業酒店打工解釋裡說的「框」,是指直接包下小姐特定的時間。其實最單純來說,功能有兩種:把小姐找過來或留下來、帶小姐出店家。有時候到店家找自己認識的小姐,但酒店小姐目前在手工(打手槍) 、口爆(口交)服務其他客人,想要把該名小姐找過來,如果用點的,遇到對方喊加點,就只能喊框了;或是有其他客人想點走正在服務自己的小姐,加點後對方又喊框,如果這時前桌喊框,效力是優於後桌的。看起來很複雜,但簡言之,就是把小姐留在自己身邊的一種方法。而「框出」的定義和內涵,就值得深入討論了。歡迎想要高收入賺現金酒店兼差的大學生/上班族,可上網求證對八大行業酒店兼職得相關資訊做核對比對甚至多比較,才能賺錢賺得安心,同時也要保護自己。

11:38 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

2020.09.06【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】我們認為要入行 必須做出酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?決定 是很難的抉擇。
畢竟一份2萬元的工作 跟20萬的工作 必經之路一定不一樣
當你想得到某些部份(酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?金錢 夢想 減輕經濟壓力)也許會失去某些部份(睡眠 健康 和朋友相聚)但是當面對現實壓力來臨時,酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容還是只有自己能面對解決 有時旁人根本幫不了妳(有的還會說風涼話 落井下石)。
這是妳自己的人生 好壞結果都是自己承擔 若多了解這行生態與全貌 有助於妳做出對自己最佳的選擇。

8:44 AM  

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