Wednesday, May 17, 2006

U.S. Second-Home Buyers Shop Abroad

Over 4 million Americans currently reside in other countries and the trend is accelerating at a rapid pace. Baby boomers lured to international real estate by lower prices, taxes, stable economies and quick global travel are flocking in droves to exotic locations when shopping for a second-home.

While U.S. buyers show an interest in a wide range of property types, they seem to gravitate toward properties that are comparable to what you find in the states. Americans still like an American product with gated communities, stainless appliances and big open kitchens, they just don't want it in America.

Baby boomers, bored with golf course, retirement communities, seek more exotic locations with more things to do. The jet set, globilized, baby boomers are all about new experiences, which makes living abroad especially appealing. Internationaly affordability, proximity and good weather are also factors motivating boomers to head for the borders.

In many areas popular with Americans, such as Mexico and in the Yucatan Peninsula south of Cancun, buyers are creating mini U.S. suburbs. Belize is cooking, along with other Latin American destinations. Panama and Nicaragua are rolling out the red carpet for Americans in terms of tax incentives, creating a hot international markets there. Panama, in particular, is booming now because they offer financing terms similar to our own, they speak English and use the U.S. dollar, the flight from Miami to Panama is less than 2 1/2 hours long and Panama is bordered by 2 oceans, within an hour drive of each other.

Globalization and the internet have sparked an interest in international real estate ownership, attracting worldwide interest in adopting a second country. If you are looking for a place to put an exotic mix in your real estate portfolio, check out


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10:53 PM  
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4:29 PM  
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10:05 PM  
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10:53 AM  
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12:08 PM  
Blogger Pozos said...

Claudia, please keep us posted on the market in Nicaragua. Especially in terms of purchases made by US citizens. We look forward to your contributions.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Panama is indeed a very desirable real estate market for those seeking a great investment and quality of life. I can assist you in your search for Panama Real Estate. City waterfront condos both exisiting buildings and pre-construction, residential homes, waterfront and mountain land.

Panama is in the early stages of a huge real estate boom and uses the US Dollar as its official currency. Please contact me should you desire assistance. I am an American, licensed real estate professional, ethical, affiliated with one of the world's largest real estate firms doing business in Panama. Thank you.


7:11 AM  
Blogger 梁爵 said...

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10:57 PM  

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