'Televator" Makes Attic Access Easy
Luggage, Holiday Decorations, High School Year Books, Baby Beds packed long ago...for most of us, the list of boxes and items we save for future use quickly stack up and block access to items we need today. What to do? Simply look up. Not to heavens, but to all that space above our heads...the attic.
If you have determined that the attic is safe for storage, but you haven't determined how to get there safely and conveniently, the telescoping attic ladder named Televator may be the answer.
Unlike traditional folding access stairs, the Televator requires little effort to use and less room to open and set up. It's unique design makes it an excellent choice for the small closets and hallways where attic access is usually located. If you have a hole in your ceiling, the unit is easy to install, even for do-it-yourselfers. Televator is completely assembled and the only tools required for installation are a drill and a wrench for putting in the lag bolts.
The Televator can handle up to 250 lbs and the 8 foot model retails for around $199. The Televator may be just the answer for storing seldom used items right over your head. For more information or to locate a dealer visit http://www.wernerladder.com/
Labels: Televator Attic Access Stairs
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日本稱坐檯小姐為俱樂部孃(キャバ嬢)。她們的主要工作是陪客人唱歌、跳舞、口交、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、喝酒、聊天等,雖然一般不可以提供性服務,但容許客人稍微撫摸身體或親吻臉頰。少數知名的俱樂部孃在當地社會上會有相當地位,除了一些有機會進入演藝圈外,更有人獲委任為市觀光大使和成為暢銷書作者的特殊情況。
因為我們一般收到酒店打工訊息 大都是從電影報章雜誌而來
而會有新聞報導價值的酒店PT新聞 通常是很特別很誇張的 這些新聞報導也許是有些接近酒店上班事實 但不是八大行業全部
(就如同捷運上有電車痴漢 但不是每班車隨時隨地有色狼啊 我們也常安全到家啊)
加上一般人的想法 這行總是只有負面 (當便利商店店員也會遇到砍人強劫)
其實凡事都有負面啊 端看自己怎麼面對
這行雖然不是賺錢最好的方式之一 但卻是最快的方式之一
我們只建議多了解多比較 看完環境 再做決定
別人只說這行的美好 但我們強調得失之間 去創造自己想要的生活
給自己一次機會 跨出第一步 若自覺不適合這行 就盡早打消夢幻的念頭 趕緊找其他出路 不是嗎??
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